Buying guide Spain HusmanHagberg
New developments When we choose which developers to work with, we do a careful investigation for you to feel safe. In addition to high construction quality, it is important that approved documentation is available, both for the project and the financing.
WE ARE PRESENT DURING THE PROCESS New developments can take time, but we are by your side throughout the buying process – before, during and after. We will help you in the communication with the developer and keep an eye on the project in your absence. We are also present and involved during the construction process, and continuously keep you updated. If wanted, we can be involved to make a check before you access the property. When it is finally time to move in, we are still here to guide you.
FIXED PRICE WITH FREEDOM OF CHOICE The benefits of new developments are many — you buy at a fixed price and do not have to spend time or money renovating. If you buy a new development property, there is usually an original design, but often with the possibility to make adjustments to your taste. This usually applies to the choice of cabinet doors, interior doors and tiles but in some projects you can also adjust parts of the floor plan. If you want to make any adjustments, it is important to notify us far in advance.
For those interested in interior design and want to furnish by themselves, we have collaborations with several companies that offer affordable packages. Sometimes, you even get the opportunity to choose freely. TERMS OF PAYMENT Usually you pay in various stages during the construction process. These are specified in the reservation contract. In our collaboration with the developers, we carefully check that they have the correct documentation, for example regarding bank guaranteeS.
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